If you practice any kind of Spirituality then you know that the elements play a big part. The elements that we primarily work with in the Western tradition are Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Spirit. Did you know that all things contain these energies in varying patterns? It's what makes an Oak tree and Oak Tree and a Squirrel a squirrel. In essence its all DNA, all DNA contains the four elements plus Spirit. Therefore if we wish to master manifestation, also known as creation, then it would serve us well to master the elements. By this I mean not just physically, but spiritually too. This includes the physical body (Earth), the mind & emotions (Air & Water) and The Mind of God (which is also a part of us, Fire). If we start with bringing our self into balance then we can begin the Great Work of becoming a Magician.
We know we are out of balance, if say we are sick (Earth) or depressed (water) or confused (Air) or angry (fire) and all the other emotions that get us feeling out of whack. We also know when we are in balance when we feel inspired (fire), joyful (air) creative (Earth) or are moved to tears of happiness (Water). As you can see, clearly along with the physical elements there is a Spiritual impulse too, represented in the mind and the emotions that then translates to physical feelings. If we want to be at our best then we have to address the balance of these elements within us, this will keep us healthy in body, mind and soul. FYI, the Spirit does not require anything from us per se, but, we do from it, and that comes in the form of connection and worship. How you choose to do that is personal, from hugging a tree, to prayer.
There are many ways and teachings on how to do this and truly it is a life long study, one that is steeped in tradition from Qabbalah to Wicca to Holistic medicine. Here are a few tips on how to bring balance about quickly and to maintain it in your environment.
In each room of the house or those that you spend time in quiet repose ie: bedroom, meditation room, library etc create an altar. This should include an element of earth in the north, this could be a rock, crystal, plant or flowers, an element of air in the east, this could be a feather, incense, picture of a butterfly, an element of fire in the south, this could be a candle or a pyramid or a picture that has type of representation of fire and an element of water in the west, this could be a seashell, a small cup of water etc. If you wish you can place the altar in the direction of true north or you can place it in any direction and simply place your elements N, E, S, W. In the center always place a white candle to represent Spirit. To your altar you can add things that are meaningful to you too, but remember it needs to be kept free and clear of clutter and not be used as a table to rest other things on. It is sacred and with an altar we are honoring the elements. By all means, do use it to add your wishes, you could write them on a piece of paper and place it under the white candle. By having altars set up In your home you will bring in the elements and they in turn will bring in balance.
Now, of course we have to have balance within also if we wish to create it in our environment and the simplest way I know to do this is to go outside. Spend time in nature, take your shoes off, feel the breeze on your skin, connect with a body of water. If outside is not accessible to you then you can imagine Earth up to you r knees, water from your knees to your waist, air from your waist to your shoulders and fire from your shoulders to the top of your head.
Sometimes, we may need to work individually with the elements. Let's say I am imbalanced with air, I might need to ground a little bit with earth, maybe I go repot some plants. Perhaps I'm being overly emotional and need to be more logical, then I can work with Fire by lighting a candle and meditating on the flame. If I feel like I need to be cleansed (maybe to much mental stuff (air) or physical stuff (earth) then I use an Epsom salt bath (water) to do so.
As you can see there are many ways that we can work with the elements, consciously, to be in harmony and balance. I hope that this gives you some ideas and a starting place to bring balance and wellness to you and yours. If you are in the South West Florida Area, come and see me at Goddess I Am, metaphysical store 600 Goodletter Road