Zeus, the Boss in Greek mythology, ordered Hephaestus, the blacksmith of the Gods, to make Pandora, the first human woman. To celebrate Pandora's creation, the other God's gave her some gifts. Aphrodite gave her beauty, Athena gave her curiosity, and Hermes, the art of persuasion. Everyone loved Pandora. But later, two human brothers angered Zeus when they stole fire from Mount Olympus. To punish the brothers, Zeus gave Pandora a jar full of every evil thing and told her never to open it. Then he sent her to the two brothers, knowing that here gift of beauty would make her irresistible. One of the brothers, Epimetheus, fell in love with her and took her as his wife, even though the other, Prometheus warned him she was from Zeus. As expected, Pandora couldn't resist her curiosity and opened the jar. Every type of evil escaped into the world. Of course, she tried to put the lid back on, but it was too late. The jar was empty.
Pandora represents the things we do that seem harmless, yet have big consequences.
Part of the legend says that Zeus allowed one good thing in the jar, something that would counteract evil.... Hope.
I love this as it has so many similarities to Adam and Eve. First as with all creation stories we humans have been created in the likeness and image of God, meaning we have the same abilities, don't believe me look around at what you have created in your life? Second, we are very curious beings, we are creators, is there ever a time when you are not creating? In order to do so we need the balance of duality, dark and light, life and death (or the illusion of it anyway) otherwise we would stagnate. Don't we often create stuff we don't like? how does this happen? Is it our own ignorance, our own individual Pandora's boxes? You see I think Pandora's box contains our own negativity that lurks at the edges of our subconscious and our lessons of growth. If we didn't create the stuff we could improve upon how would we know how to create what we truly desire? There's that duality once again!
The good news is that the one ingredient that ensures success and can never be taken away is HOPE.
You've heard the saying never give up right? I'm saying that nothing that was ever worthwhile was created without sacrifice. The type of sacrifice I'm talking about is our own fears, beliefs and attachments.
It's fair to say that on this crazy spaceship that is planet Earth we all opened Pandora's box a long time ago, the things that have been released are greed, poverty, disease, selfishness, obsession with power, jealousy, faithlessness etc. These are diseases of the soul, BUT they are temporary conditions. How do I know you might ask?
I used to dwell in these temples until I chose the path of Initiation. For me Hope and then absolute faith in myself and humanity became my foundation and gave me purpose. I believe in us as did Zeus and I believe that Zeus was using Pandora's charms to correct an imbalance that had already started. Hope will always outwit evil.
If I can assist you in any way to regain your sense of hope and purpose with healing work (DNA Activation is great for this) and the Initiatory path it would be my honor to do so.