So science insists upon empirical data to 'prove' it is factual. In other words, one must be able to see it, hear it, taste it, touch it, feel it. This is rather limited don't you think? This article 'PROVES' that just because we haven't had a sensual experience of something it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Then of course we have the existence of the extra sensory perception, something that science does not recognize. Have you ever known who was going to call when they did? Ever felt like you knew someone you only just met? Ever heard noises in your dreams or waking life that no one else did? What about GUT instinct? Those of us, many of whom who have studied extensively and just as long, if not longer than many Doctors (myself 11 years) know that these enhanced states of consciousness exist and can be developed to reliable, factual sources of information. In fact, we RELY on them far more than we do physical data, this is because reality in this 3D world is rarely what it seems. As this article so aptly points out.
These abilities have to be trained and carved out of the density of the 3D world. The perceptions of this reality have masked many, many truths. And yet, most of us take it for granted, we believe what we are told and do not question the status quo.
What if I told you that science has regressed? What if I told you that metaphysics, an ancient practice IS the original sciences? And that from the work of the ancient Mystery King School traditions that today we have medicine, astronomy, mathematics and so much more. Only, we forgot the Spirit of it. We've bastardized it. We do not practice wholelistically anymore. In order for well being to exist, ALL systems must be addressed. The Body, the Soul and the Spirit. There is proof, in fact it can be found in ancient texts from King Solomon from the 100'sof 1000's of case studies he did over a 40 year period. These documents have been kept away from the wrong hands for a longtime to preserve their integrity and keep them safe. This was the ork he did for humanity in his temple. He knew our potential to return to a state of divine physical human health and joy!
As a Metaphysician, trained in the anatomy of the subtle bodies and the soul I consider myself a Scientist, one that has access to advanced healing information. My hope is that the masses will wake up to the lack in our traditional allopathic medicine and seek out alternative medicine too. Know Thyself.
Here is a link to the article I am referring to in this blog.