Classes - Specific to The Fools JourneyAdvanced teachings for the beginning student to the advanced practitioner The following Metaphysical classes will open the door to some amazing insights and growth for you. The concepts shared are simple yet profound and the energy of each class will shift your consciousness into a greater degree of contact and Light. This will have a direct impact on the way you choose to live! Us e your inner guidance and desire to grow as the foundation and catapult here, remember the Fool’s Journey is a matter of Faith and trust in yourself as much as it is in me as your teacher.

Activate Your Life Workshop
All beings possess the skills necessary to create a purposeful life and in fact it is our divine birthright to be free and joyful, creating a life that fulfills our desire to grow. So why do we struggle with that? Why do we lose our connection? How do we get it back? Would you like to tap back into that childlike wonder and curiosity, the part of you that has no limitations and BIG dreams? It is possible to activate your potential and take actions to awaken once again to your own innate power.

Adept Initiation
This is a physical initiation into the service and guidance of the Hierarchy of Light, necessary after self-initiation, to do Light Work. All Light Workers have already received self-initiation and are working with the Hierarchy of Light. This initiation gives you 10 times the empowerment (than you currently have) to do Light Work in the world. This work empowers you to new heights of spiritual and physical awareness and abundance, receiving Divine Protection and direct daily contact with the Hierarchy of Light. This initiation brings you more empowerment to do your work in the world and is the same initiation that Jesus received after studying for 30 years in the Mystery Schools, prior to doing his three-years of service.

Spiritual Intuition
Psychic ability, a sixth sense, the gift of prophecy, clairvoyance, clairsentience -there are many names to describe this quality we simply call "Spiritual Intuition". Everyone has intuition; the degree to which it is used varies from person to person. Intuition is often defined as "a knowing, without the use of rational processes." Your spiritual intuition includes the use of your spiritual senses, or "gifts". This workshop will teach you how to expand your awareness to perceive more than you thought you could. Opening and expanding all your spiritual senses will help you to receive information more clearly and easily.

Gifts Of The Spirit
In this class we learn to channel Light Beings. Connection with Beings of Light is your birthright. Channeling is a spiritual act, which will connect you to God, to the various aspects of God. We learn, or are reminded, to surrender our will to the aspect of God that we connect with. Calling down these aspects helps us to become one with these aspects of the Divine. This is what we call channeling in the Mystery School. It is the surest way to evolve spiritually.