If you will just submit, and give up the space in your mind and heart that is devoted to unwanted habits, negative thinking, old hurt and pain. Then you will allow the light to shine into those places and your life will change. Your higher self, that part of you that is good-natured, kind, disciplined, joyful, stable and all the other good qualities that you long for and have within will be able to shine through and express itself ♡
So some friends of mine on Orlando are doing there final ascension this weekend. This means that after this weekend there will be a few more people on planet Earth who are living from wisdom, sharing their divine nature in a way that not only creates a purposeful life for them, but totally brings more Light and Love to our human community. Imagine the world if more people came to understand their divine nature...? We are starting this journey here in Naples on June 9th. I personally cannot wait. I know (having done this twice already ) the transformation that's in store for me, the magick and wisdom from within that I will gain. I offer this to you. It's truly LIFE changing. NEW BEGINNING QABALAH CLASS will start in Southwest, Florida Tuesday, June 9, 2016 from 6:30-8:30pm (same time each month) Please contact Cindy Myers for more details at (239) 272-5168 or [email protected] Qabalah means “receiving.” We are receiving the secrets hidden in the Old Testament/Torah. The secrets reveal to us how to create and sustain a meaningful and successful life. We study the Tree of Life from the Garden of Eden. The Tree of Life is comprised of ten spheres. Each sphere represents a different quality of our Creator. We explore one creational quality and are ritually ascended into one sphere each month for a year. We understand, embody, and emulate the qualities of our C...reator, empowering us to become a more powerful co-creators of the lives we desire. Because we are connected to the Source of everything, we are in the flow of abundance and prosperity. We also experience Magick in our lives as we ascend the Tree of Life, becoming more our God-selves! For a two-and-a-half hour commitment, once a month, there is a minimal investment of time, energy, and money, for an amazing, ascensional journey! Each of the first 12 meetings costs $150 and the final weekend costs $600. June 9– Malkhut 1 November 10 – Tiferet April 13 – Hokhmah July 15 – Malkhut 2 December 9 – Gevurah May 12 – Keter August 11 – Yesod Jan 12, 2017 – Chesed June 10 & 11 – Ascension September 8 – Hod February 10 – Da’at Weekend, 10:00am till October 7 – Netzah March 9 – Binah 6:00pm each day This class is taught Cindy Myers who is an initiated Qabalistic High Priestess, a Guide Member of the Hierarchy of Light, and a WICCAN High Priestess who has been living the Tree of Life through ritual Resurrection is a daily event in my life and that is because I don't stay stuck in ANYTHING! Know why....? Because I have a secret formula ( I will share if you ask) that enables me to transform all my shadows and judgments into Light and truth.
I simply cannot imagine living another way, although at one point in my life I did. Actually for 32 years, I was dying and NOT living. I was striving and NOT thriving. I am here to live life alive....how about you? Adept Program April 16th and 17th, Ft Myers. |
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January 2017