About Samantha Banks

OK, so here goes; A little or a lot about me!
I have not always been spiritual....in fact you could say my formative years were anything but, they were quite unspiritual. Like I tell my kids, you name it I've done it. It's been a long road and a non conventional one at that, but perfect for me! I have found myself and learned to express myself authentically through deep spiritual work, mindfulness and yoga and I practice all of them regularly. I find that this practice has enabled me to stay sane! I learned quite some time ago that everything is temporary and can change in an instant. Reality is just a state of mind, so I have learned to control my mind and live in the moment, whatever that may be. It's much more peaceful here and my reactions are for the most part responses, I have learned that true peace is allowing to be what is. Feeling, expressing, being whole and no hiding! I love what I do, let me say that again.... I LOVE WHAT I DO!!!!!
I do what I do because I know that you and I have amazing, unlimited amounts of potential and I am a dreamer. Imagine if we all accepted one another and allowed ourselves full expression. This is how we change the world, each one of us at a time. So are you ready to get started?
I have studied and continue to study extensively within the Mystery School Tradition which encompasses Qabalah, Celtic Shamanism, Egyptian Teachings, Wicca, Enochian and the Native American Tradition. I am an initiated Teacher in the Mystery School lineage and tradition, a Qabalist, a Celtic Shaman, an initiated Ritual Master in the direct lineage of King Salomon the Great, and a Guide Member of the Hierarchy of Light.
I live in South West Florida with my Husband, two children and two dogs and offer private healing sessions, Jikiden Reiki, crystal healings, Life and DNA Activations, Energy Healings and Energy Medicine as well as Mystery School Teachings throughout Florida, the United States and internationally. I am available for private sessions, remote work when appropriate and always willing to travel. Feel free to contact me today!
Check out my schedule and services! You Can Call, email or fill out the form below today for a FREE consultation!
Phone: 239-272-5168
or fill in the contact form below to email me!
I have not always been spiritual....in fact you could say my formative years were anything but, they were quite unspiritual. Like I tell my kids, you name it I've done it. It's been a long road and a non conventional one at that, but perfect for me! I have found myself and learned to express myself authentically through deep spiritual work, mindfulness and yoga and I practice all of them regularly. I find that this practice has enabled me to stay sane! I learned quite some time ago that everything is temporary and can change in an instant. Reality is just a state of mind, so I have learned to control my mind and live in the moment, whatever that may be. It's much more peaceful here and my reactions are for the most part responses, I have learned that true peace is allowing to be what is. Feeling, expressing, being whole and no hiding! I love what I do, let me say that again.... I LOVE WHAT I DO!!!!!
I do what I do because I know that you and I have amazing, unlimited amounts of potential and I am a dreamer. Imagine if we all accepted one another and allowed ourselves full expression. This is how we change the world, each one of us at a time. So are you ready to get started?
I have studied and continue to study extensively within the Mystery School Tradition which encompasses Qabalah, Celtic Shamanism, Egyptian Teachings, Wicca, Enochian and the Native American Tradition. I am an initiated Teacher in the Mystery School lineage and tradition, a Qabalist, a Celtic Shaman, an initiated Ritual Master in the direct lineage of King Salomon the Great, and a Guide Member of the Hierarchy of Light.
I live in South West Florida with my Husband, two children and two dogs and offer private healing sessions, Jikiden Reiki, crystal healings, Life and DNA Activations, Energy Healings and Energy Medicine as well as Mystery School Teachings throughout Florida, the United States and internationally. I am available for private sessions, remote work when appropriate and always willing to travel. Feel free to contact me today!
Check out my schedule and services! You Can Call, email or fill out the form below today for a FREE consultation!
Phone: 239-272-5168
or fill in the contact form below to email me!