The Journey ManWhat is a Journeyman? By definition a
Journeyman is someone who is skilled in his craft and is working with
his craft under a master, she or he has served out an apprenticeship
and attained a level of qualification and measure ability in his
chosen craft. This part of the path for those on the Mystics Journey
is one of furthering from a place of self initiation. Self Initiation
is very powerful in and of its self and will bring many gifts such as
psychism, higher contact with other beings etc. Usually those who
have self initiated have read quite a few books on the subject of
Spirituality, positive thinking, the law of Attraction and other
types of books like these. For some this may well be enough.
For others the books and maybe even some classes will have awakened within you a deeper yearning and knowing that there is more, way more. Perhaps a perception that there is a vast vault of knowledge, understanding and wisdom waiting to be tapped into by you, this vault of knowledge is known as The Tree of Life or the Qabbalah which is one of the mainstays of the Mystery School tradition. If this is you then you have arrived at a place where you are hungry; you are aware that you have touched the tip of an iceberg and are ready to expand. The healings and teachings of the King Salomon Mystery School tradition and Lineage are second to none. These are the Harvard teachings of the Metaphysical world(s) and shamanic training. Welcome to the University of the Soul! This crossroads is where you start your Mystics Journey of deep inner spiritual work and personal growth. This is called the Great Work and many have walked the path before you and learned as you will through receiving healing work such as Reiki, Crystal healings, DNA activations and teachings such as Sacred Geometries, Initiation, Shamanic training and Qabbalah. Healings and teachings assist the aspirant on the path to receiving those keys that will open the gates of your soul and to your divine nature. This is the Mystery School journey for those who are looking to Know Thyself, sacred words that have been placed above the Temple of Knowledge since time began. If you have contemplated the following questions;
Then….. Perhaps your soul is leading you to serve at higher capacities, maybe training as a Healer, a Shaman, Warrior or in time a Teacher. If you are here you most certainly recognize that the world around you is changing and that it is directly impacted by you. You may also have a desire to change the world and assist in the Great Plan of humanity. In the Mystery School tradition we call this Shamballa, also spelled as Shambhala or Shamballah. Shamballa this is the New Paradigm, the New Age of humanity and the absolute possibility that we can live in peace through collective awareness of servitude to one another. This is how the Masters live and are helping us to achieve this through the process of ascension; ascension is achieved through sloughing off the density of the soul. Soul alchemy helps us to reveal our true Light, this is the pure Gold which is the luminosity of each and every human being.
Once we embark upon our journey of initiation our soul goes through many stages of growth, just like a child who is growing and maturing. This is known in the Mystery School tradition as the Great Work. The Great Work is what we do as we change, grow and transform, sloughing off the density to reveal the gold within. It is very much an alchemical process. What happens when the gold or Light is revealed is that we start to become lighter in vibration, living more peacefully and harmoniously. When we operate from our highest awareness or consciousness then we start to align with our Higher Self. Our Higher Self is our divine self, that beautiful part of us that is connected to us through our soul and Sprit and who knows our purpose and will help us to get there. Our Higher Self is constantly along with a large team of Guides and Guardians trying to get your attention to help you in life and defeat the pull of the Lower self. The ability to hear this wise council and act upon it through your own personal will is what the Great Work is all about. The Mystery School Tradition is one that has been kept underground for millennia until the last twenty years. Now it is available right here in South West Florida for those that are ready to be of service. If you are taking this well trodden yet very sacred and unique path then you are joining the ranks of some very well known individuals such as Leonardo DaVinci, William Shakespeare, Nikola Tesla, Winston Churchill, Sting, Stephen Hawkings’ and many more…. Here’s where your journey starts |
Healing/Energy Work

Adam Kadmon Activation
The Adam Kadmon Physical Activation taps into your infinite space, fully activating you, thus fully empowering you. This "Full Light Body Activation" gives you one of the highest amounts of Light Energy and Power, and therefore, Empowerment one can achieve in a physical body.
Receiving the Adam Kadmon Activation means:

Awakening Package/Life Activation
The activation is a tremendous gift of empowerment that assists you in your own healing process at deep levels and allows your gifts to come most fully into your life. This is an Etheric Surgery which brings Light in to your physical and your spiritual DNA—your encoding as a God/Human. We have taken on more and more density in our human journey, holding less Light. As a collective we have reached a place where we wish to return most fully to our Divine Selves. As a result, this tool of empowerment is now available to the public. DNA Activation has been done for thousands of years in the Temples for the Priests, Priestesses, Oracles and their servants. This tool is handed down to initiated Teachers of Light, handed down and made available to the public. A session takes approximately 1-hour and includes balancing of etheric, auric, elemental, dimensional and magnetic energies.

Channeled Soul Readings
Sessions with me are different to psychic readings.
Intuitive Soul Readings are about empowering you to take your Mystics Journey,
helping you see and heal your life lessons and redirect spiritual energy to
help walk your path with success. A session is a conversation between you, me,
your Higher Self and channeled beings of Higher Spiritual Guidance. These
sessions are spiritual healing with divination and will initiate inner growth
and self-awareness. Your Soul genuinely knows what it needs to continue on its
Divine Path and through these channeled readings is able to connect directly to
your Spirit to bring through what is in your highest good and next on your

Etheric Surgery and Etheric Healing Sessions - $150/hr
Physical pain and emotional issues can be cleared from the etheric layer of the body using a laser wand and other methods. Here, the practitioner identifies and locates energy structures that are blocking a person's progression, be it negative thoughts, emotions, etc. and remove these structures from the client's matrix, thereby releasing this from their consciousness. The effects of this work are immediate and profound. This work is very powerful and the effects are far-reaching. Etheric Healing can be done in person and remotely. After receiving remote work, it is recommended to do at least one in-person session for the most noticeable and permanent changes.

Jikiden Reiki
Reiki is an energy healing practice which originated in Japan. Practitioners use the life-force energy or "ki" all around us and with hands on, are able to pass it on to re-awaken the natural healing process in others by focusing the energy on the areas that it is most needed. Jikiden means "kirectly taught" in Japanese. This system differs from the Western style Reiki in approach, attitude and ideas. Most people notice a significant difference in the feel of the Reiki energy received. Jikiden Reiki's powerful effects are for the improvement of body and mind. It is effective not only in improving physical and psychological health but is also successful in reducing and terminating bad habits. Remote sessions are extremely effect and can be scheduled in advance. Sessions are scheduled for 60-90 minutes and cost $80-$120 accordingly.

King Salomon Healing Modality
This is a series of 10 weekly sessions, each working on different aspects of you, connecting you ultimately with the God within. King Salomon studied healing in Tibet for over 25 years with 300,000 Medicine Men from every Tribe of Light. He combined many Eastern rituals with Hebraic teachings to form this powerful healing modality. These rituals have been passed down through Mystery Schools via the oral tradition from one Ritual Master to another to another. This ancient, most powerful healing modality works on different aspects of the whole and works to heal the separation that has occurred between the physical body, the soul body and the spirit in humans. These methods are universal, very sacred and very powerful. They sanctify us and bring us more fully into the presence of God, each in a slightly different way, as each session builds on the next.

Starseed Healing
This modality empowers you with the Light and the Love of God by re-awakening the memory of the God within. This modality is quite relaxing and extremely powerful, offering powerful support for those transitioning to the Light Body. The other modality taken separately from the King Salomon Healing Modality, this healing balances the frequency and the vibration within the Light Body, allowing for gentler, easier, more balanced of flow of the Light into the physical. The Light comes in as frequency and is bound in to the physical with sound. The Starseed Healing works with both and a session includes any other work that will support this healing. Cost: $100.

Unified Chakra Awakening
After receiving the Adam Kadmon, the Unified Chakra Awakening opens and activates all 2418 chakras in the new Light Body system. These correlate with the 231 gates of the Sefer Yetzirah and help to connect the physical body with the spirit body. This is one of the King Salomon Healing Modality sessions, one that can be done outside of the entire sequence to help the Light Body in today’s accelerated place of Light, opening gates to the soul. A session includes any other work that will support this healing. Cost: $100.

Adam Kadmon The New Human
The Adam Kadmon Program is presented in a very full, one-day format. The cost is $295 and preregistration and prepayment are necessary 2-weeks prior to class, with limited seating available. 22-Strand DNA Activation and Full Spirit Activation are very much recommended-not required-prior to receiving the Adam Kadmon Activation. Special pricing and special arrangements can be made available to children of all ages with prior arrangement.

Adept Initiation
This is a physical initiation into the service and guidance of the Hierarchy of Light, necessary after self-initiation, to do Light Work. All Light Workers have already received self-initiation and are working with the Hierarchy of Light. This initiation gives you 10 times the empowerment (than you currently have) to do Light Work in the world. This work empowers you to new heights of spiritual and physical awareness and abundance, receiving Divine Protection and direct daily contact with the Hierarchy of Light. This initiation brings you more empowerment to do your work in the world and is the same initiation that Jesus received after studying for 30 years in the Mystery Schools, prior to doing his three-years of service.
This is an ancient rite that has been carried through by many of the mystic, shamanic, and mystery school traditions. The Adept Initiation is performed by a Guide, who has received the appropriate physical initiations and training in the ancient unbroken lineage of King Salomon. Guides are trained under the highest standards within the Mystery School Tradition, which has over a 3000 year-old lineage and authority to perform this service. |

Adept 2
This class prepares the Adept for working with higher vibrational energies and forces. This class empowers the Adept more fully when working directly with the Forces of Creation. These include auric, etheric, magnetic, dimensional, and elemental balancing as well as working with the soul and spirit bodies, here in the physical! The key to the Universe is YOU! This is an extremely empowering class taught in a very full one-day format. After gaining a deeper understanding of the flow of Light and the Powers of Creation, students leave able to do complete energetic balancing on others. This balancing is necessary for any type of sustained physical healing. The information and the healing work learned blend well with any other work out there and is the prep work for DNA Activation. This class is also a prerequisite to the 2nd Step Initiation.

Hermetic Principles and the Qabalah
This class is a four-part series which explores the Holy Sephira and the Tree of Life. Training will be practical with an emphasis on application to life.
We will explore:

Sacred Geometries 1
Sacred Geometry is the study and contemplation of Divine Proportion and the geometric patterns that are fundamental to the creation and structure of the Universe. In understanding these geometric patterns and vibrational energies, one learns the pure language of the cosmos and gains access to universal wisdom.

Astral Travel
We all Astral Travel when we sleep. In this class we learn to Astral Travel consciously with the same methods that the masters have always used and sometime taught. We learn where to go, where not to go, how to travel safely, how to retain information and more. This class is about expanding our consciousness to connect with certain aspects of God.

Gifts of The Spirit
In this class we learn to channel Light Beings. Connection with Beings of Light is your birthright. Channeling is a spiritual act, which will connect you to God, to the various aspects of God. We learn, or are reminded, to surrender our will to the aspect of God that we connect with. Calling down these aspects helps us to become one with these aspects of the Divine. This is what we call channeling in the Mystery School. It is the surest way to evolve spiritually.