Adept Initiation

Spiritual Empowerment
Teachings of Shamballa are about love and purpose and sharing with each other. This is what humanity is asking for and why we are here, to learn about service to ourselves and one another. This is to live a Divine like existence, this is our birthright. Shambala is this new world and it is also known as the New Paradigm. In each of us is the desire to live in this way, so why don’t we? The short answer is that we have been taught in accordance with the old paradigm. The old paradigm is competitive (in a self serving way) and it is based on greed and material acquisition. None of this is Spirit lead and all of this leads us away from our true desire which is to live in the Light. So how do we rewire ourselves to be in alignment with our true nature, our divinity? The most important tool I have is the Adept Initiation, an ancient empowerment from the Temples of Knowledge of the Mystery School tradition. Below you will find a description of some of what you get from these teachings, but words really don’t do this self empowerment the justice it deserves.
Why do I recommend this?
This was the start of my inward journey and alchemical transformation and the Adept Initiation has given me and many others through the ages a lifetime of gifts. When you initiate as an Adept it means that you are joining the ranks of some of the worlds more foremost leaders and contributors such as Winston Churchill, William Shakespeare, Sting, The Queen, Nikola Tesla, Stephen Hawkings, Nefertiti and many others. These people knew about and know of Shamballa. Their work in the world has directly impacted the Great Plan. My personal Universe and those within my circle are the recipients of my increased power to be peaceful, loving, kind, compassionate, purposeful, passionate and authentic. When I did this class it was the start of my truly living!
Because of the profound changes that I have made in my life I am driven by my love for others to assist in bringing in a better world. I know we can do it one at a time and as an Initiate in this Holy Work you too will help bring forth the changes we so desperately want and need for humanities evolution.
If you are ready to use your power to make the changes that we all need in order to usher in Shamballa then please consider this program. Here is what you will receive:
This is a physical initiation into the service and guidance of the Hierarchy of Light, necessary after self-initiation, to do Light Work. All Light Workers have already received self-initiation and are working with the Hierarchy of Light. This initiation gives you 10 times the empowerment (than you currently have) to do Light Work in the world. This work empowers you to new heights of spiritual and physical awareness and abundance, receiving Divine Protection and direct daily contact with the Hierarchy of Light. This initiation brings you more empowerment to do your work in the world and is the same initiation that Jesus received after studying for 30 years in the Mystery Schools, prior to doing his three-years of service.
This is an ancient rite that has been carried through by many of the mystic, shamanic, and mystery school traditions. The Adept Initiation is performed by a Guide, who has received the appropriate physical initiations and training in the ancient unbroken lineage of King Salomon. Guides are trained under the highest standards within the Mystery School Tradition, which has over a 3000 year-old lineage and authority to perform this service.
Teachings of Shamballa are about love and purpose and sharing with each other. This is what humanity is asking for and why we are here, to learn about service to ourselves and one another. This is to live a Divine like existence, this is our birthright. Shambala is this new world and it is also known as the New Paradigm. In each of us is the desire to live in this way, so why don’t we? The short answer is that we have been taught in accordance with the old paradigm. The old paradigm is competitive (in a self serving way) and it is based on greed and material acquisition. None of this is Spirit lead and all of this leads us away from our true desire which is to live in the Light. So how do we rewire ourselves to be in alignment with our true nature, our divinity? The most important tool I have is the Adept Initiation, an ancient empowerment from the Temples of Knowledge of the Mystery School tradition. Below you will find a description of some of what you get from these teachings, but words really don’t do this self empowerment the justice it deserves.
Why do I recommend this?
This was the start of my inward journey and alchemical transformation and the Adept Initiation has given me and many others through the ages a lifetime of gifts. When you initiate as an Adept it means that you are joining the ranks of some of the worlds more foremost leaders and contributors such as Winston Churchill, William Shakespeare, Sting, The Queen, Nikola Tesla, Stephen Hawkings, Nefertiti and many others. These people knew about and know of Shamballa. Their work in the world has directly impacted the Great Plan. My personal Universe and those within my circle are the recipients of my increased power to be peaceful, loving, kind, compassionate, purposeful, passionate and authentic. When I did this class it was the start of my truly living!
Because of the profound changes that I have made in my life I am driven by my love for others to assist in bringing in a better world. I know we can do it one at a time and as an Initiate in this Holy Work you too will help bring forth the changes we so desperately want and need for humanities evolution.
If you are ready to use your power to make the changes that we all need in order to usher in Shamballa then please consider this program. Here is what you will receive:
This is a physical initiation into the service and guidance of the Hierarchy of Light, necessary after self-initiation, to do Light Work. All Light Workers have already received self-initiation and are working with the Hierarchy of Light. This initiation gives you 10 times the empowerment (than you currently have) to do Light Work in the world. This work empowers you to new heights of spiritual and physical awareness and abundance, receiving Divine Protection and direct daily contact with the Hierarchy of Light. This initiation brings you more empowerment to do your work in the world and is the same initiation that Jesus received after studying for 30 years in the Mystery Schools, prior to doing his three-years of service.
This is an ancient rite that has been carried through by many of the mystic, shamanic, and mystery school traditions. The Adept Initiation is performed by a Guide, who has received the appropriate physical initiations and training in the ancient unbroken lineage of King Salomon. Guides are trained under the highest standards within the Mystery School Tradition, which has over a 3000 year-old lineage and authority to perform this service.
Some of the teachings included are:
Some of the Benefits and Privileges of the Initiation include:
- How to clear up the negative ego
- The Divine/God potential of humans
- The Spiritual Hierarchy of Light, Archangels, and Masters of Light
- Chi, Ki, and Hara Energies and how to use them to enhance your life and work
- The Universal Kabbalah – unlocking some of its ancient secrets
Some of the Benefits and Privileges of the Initiation include:
- Direct increased contact with the Spiritual Hierarchy of Light
- Physical and spiritual abundance from your service to the Light
- Ten times the power you had prior to initiation to empower your work in the world
- An expansion of consciousness and heightened sense of clarity about your purpose in life
- Increased guidance and protection (four new guides sent directly from Creator to teach you and empower your spiritual evolution)
- Aligns the flow of your will with the flow of the Will of God/Source and the Will of the Universe
- Sacred tools for protection and for communion with the Source
This class is taught in a very full two-day format, ending with a physical initiation that will change the way you live! In addition I facilitate five bi-weekly gatherings to assist in your practice and meditation and to support you with your ongoing journey.
In my work it is important to me to bring in the elements of Shamballa or the New Paradigm. Therefore I wish to make this amazing workshop available to everyone. If you need a payment plan one can be arranged on a monthly basis. I offer this for all of my classes and healings. Let nothing stop you if you feel called. Follow your heart!
In my work it is important to me to bring in the elements of Shamballa or the New Paradigm. Therefore I wish to make this amazing workshop available to everyone. If you need a payment plan one can be arranged on a monthly basis. I offer this for all of my classes and healings. Let nothing stop you if you feel called. Follow your heart!

Cost of Class - $500.00 - This class is taught in a very full two-day format, ending with a physical initiation that will change the way you live! Check the online calendar for dates or call to arrange your own FREE consultation and counseling session.