Etheric Surgery and Etheric Healing Sessions
Physical pain and emotional issues can be cleared from the etheric layer of the body using a laser wand and other methods. Here, the practitioner identifies and locates energy structures that are blocking a person's progression, be it negative thoughts, emotions, etc. and remove these structures from the client's matrix, thereby releasing this from their consciousness. The effects of this work are immediate and profound. This work is very powerful and the effects are far-reaching. Etheric Healing can be done in person and remotely. After receiving remote work, it is recommended to do at least one in-person session for the most noticeable and permanent changes.
The Etheric field is formed from the Will of God, the Will of the Universe and the Will of Man. Man’s Will has built limitations into our Etheric field preventing us from manifesting our Godhood. Our Divine birthright is to live radiant lives exuding health, joy and abundance of blessings in all aspects of our life.
Etheric Surgery and Etheric Healing remove unneeded, residual energy structures, reduces the burden of emotional and mental issues, dissolves core issues blocks and breaks karmic cycles (individual, family and global community.) Etheric Surgery and Etheric Healing clear trans-temporal traumas and is a powerful way to clear trauma we come in to this world with and would otherwise be unable to clear in this life.
Some of the benefits of Etheric Surgery and Etheric Healing include: freedom from old patterns, expansion of consciousness, decreases core issue blockages, removal of negative energies and relief of emotional pressure. Etheric Surgery and Etheric Healing reduce or eliminate the known and unknown heavy burdens of the past that we have dragged forward with us. By removing blocks, Etheric Surgery and Etheric Healing allow Light and positive energy to flow into our Being and the space around us. We experience life in the present with Divine support. Etheric Surgery and Etheric Healing easily blend with other work.
The Etheric field is formed from the Will of God, the Will of the Universe and the Will of Man. Man’s Will has built limitations into our Etheric field preventing us from manifesting our Godhood. Our Divine birthright is to live radiant lives exuding health, joy and abundance of blessings in all aspects of our life.
Etheric Surgery and Etheric Healing remove unneeded, residual energy structures, reduces the burden of emotional and mental issues, dissolves core issues blocks and breaks karmic cycles (individual, family and global community.) Etheric Surgery and Etheric Healing clear trans-temporal traumas and is a powerful way to clear trauma we come in to this world with and would otherwise be unable to clear in this life.
Some of the benefits of Etheric Surgery and Etheric Healing include: freedom from old patterns, expansion of consciousness, decreases core issue blockages, removal of negative energies and relief of emotional pressure. Etheric Surgery and Etheric Healing reduce or eliminate the known and unknown heavy burdens of the past that we have dragged forward with us. By removing blocks, Etheric Surgery and Etheric Healing allow Light and positive energy to flow into our Being and the space around us. We experience life in the present with Divine support. Etheric Surgery and Etheric Healing easily blend with other work.

Cost - $250.00
(click on the key to buy/schedule today.)
Can be done in person and remotely.
(click on the key to buy/schedule today.)
Can be done in person and remotely.