Awakening Package

DNA Activation
From the mists of time, the ancient teachings of King Salomon and the Galactic Federation comes the life changing DNA Activation. Within the DNA are codes for who you, where you come from, Why you came here and where you are going. This activation reaches into the Spiritual and Physical DNA to assist you in fulfilling your contracts and moving onto the next level of your progression. In other words it moves us out of what we are stuck in and gives us the empowerment and awareness to take that next step or two or three or four on the path. Humans are ever evolving and written into our DNA are codes for our divinity, by activating them now you are awakening dormant codes for your ultimate reality. We are divine beings created in the image and Likeness of our creator, this means that we have Superhuman powers, they are indeed our birthright and this activation is a tool for our ascension in the physical! This means that you CAN live with more joy, purpose, passion, balance, abundance because YOU are the key!
Included in this healing modality is:
Includes Cord Cutting
A negative emotional cord cutting will free you from ties that keep you bound to old outworn emotional energy. These ties are connected to relationships and they can last for up to 7 years! Because the energy between you and another person keeps bouncing back and forth in a harmful way, what’s yours becomes theirs and vice versa. This is a really unhealthy energetic link and it only serves to strengthen the anger, jealousy, comparison, judgment etc. Cutting the cords allows us to be responsible for our emotional stability and awareness. We become much clearer in our own self assessments, this results in a big release and usually an understanding of what was really keeping us stuck. Afterwards, people feel so much better; many say that a weight has literally been lifted from their shoulders.
From the mists of time, the ancient teachings of King Salomon and the Galactic Federation comes the life changing DNA Activation. Within the DNA are codes for who you, where you come from, Why you came here and where you are going. This activation reaches into the Spiritual and Physical DNA to assist you in fulfilling your contracts and moving onto the next level of your progression. In other words it moves us out of what we are stuck in and gives us the empowerment and awareness to take that next step or two or three or four on the path. Humans are ever evolving and written into our DNA are codes for our divinity, by activating them now you are awakening dormant codes for your ultimate reality. We are divine beings created in the image and Likeness of our creator, this means that we have Superhuman powers, they are indeed our birthright and this activation is a tool for our ascension in the physical! This means that you CAN live with more joy, purpose, passion, balance, abundance because YOU are the key!
Included in this healing modality is:
- Aura Scan
- Cap removal (removes any obstruction to the Light in the Crown Chakra area)
- Balancing of the elemental, magnetic and etheric lines (like a tune up for your energy bodies)
- Chakra balancing (so you can flow more energy into your aura and thus have more power available to you )
- 16 petal Lotus (an amazing modality that opens elemental petals in your aura helping you to be flowing with the powers of creation and all that it implies)
- Removal of negative crystals and armor (again a part of our etheric anatomy, crystals are like generations for the Light, they get blown out and armor blocks the Light) this will increase your ability to receive and hold Light.
- Karmic Matrix Removal (in our etheric body we hold on to karma, this can be removed by the Archangels) this frees you from repeating the same stuff over and over.
- Etheric Surgery (this is a removal of anything obstructing the flow of Light to you and includes karmic bands and wounding’s that you came into the Earth with)
- DNA Activation
- Aura channeling (the light and rays of creation are channeled into your aura) which plugs you back into the rays of creation and your true essence
- Finally you are sealed in the Light with a sacred grid, this is for protection and empowerment.
- The elixir of Life, you will receive two bottles of the elixir of life, this elixir is considered to be the philosophers stone, in alchemical terms it turns the dross of the materia into the gold of the philosophers stone. The elixir has been made in a sacred, alchemical way and is taken as a homeopathic substance. The day time does clears the cellular debris that we pick up throughout our day and the evening dose clears genetic material from the cells, old codes that are outworn. You will notice a difference when you take the elixir daily, it is like liquid crystal.
Includes Cord Cutting
A negative emotional cord cutting will free you from ties that keep you bound to old outworn emotional energy. These ties are connected to relationships and they can last for up to 7 years! Because the energy between you and another person keeps bouncing back and forth in a harmful way, what’s yours becomes theirs and vice versa. This is a really unhealthy energetic link and it only serves to strengthen the anger, jealousy, comparison, judgment etc. Cutting the cords allows us to be responsible for our emotional stability and awareness. We become much clearer in our own self assessments, this results in a big release and usually an understanding of what was really keeping us stuck. Afterwards, people feel so much better; many say that a weight has literally been lifted from their shoulders.

Cost - $200.00 Done in person.
(click on the key to buy/schedule today.)
Cut those negative emotional ties and feel immediate peace and freedom.
(click on the key to buy/schedule today.)
Cut those negative emotional ties and feel immediate peace and freedom.