The keys to connect with higher realms & higher energy beings

Astral Travel.
We all Astral Travel when we sleep. In this class we learn to Astral Travel consciously with the same methods that the Masters have always used and sometimes taught. We learn where to go, where not to go, how to travel safely, how to retain information and more. This class is about expanding our consciousness to connect with certain aspects of God.
Class is 6-hours. Cost $85. |

Gifts Of The Spirit
In this class we learn to channel Light Beings. Connection with Beings of Light is your birthright. Channeling is a spiritual act, which will connect you to God, to the various aspects of God. We learn, or are reminded, to surrender our will to the aspect of God that we connect with. Calling down these aspects helps us to become one with these aspects of the Divine. This is what we call channeling in the Mystery School. It is the surest way to evolve spiritually.

Sanctuary Meditation.
In this class we will spend the time getting to meet and know that part of you that is directly connected to Spirit and can be your most trusted Guide! This technique will also be handed down in a way that will allow you to use it in your daily life, this is one of the best ways to get access your own answers!
Cost $25. |

Adept Initiation.
This is a physical initiation into the service and guidance of the Hierarchy of Light, necessary after self-initiation, to do Light Work. All Light Workers have already received self-initiation and are working with the Hierarchy of Light. This initiation gives you 10 times the empowerment (than you currently have) to do Light Work in the world. This work empowers you to new heights of spiritual and physical awareness and abundance, receiving Divine Protection and direct daily contact with the Hierarchy of Light. This initiation brings you more empowerment to do your work in the world and is the same initiation that Jesus received after studying for 30 years in the Mystery Schools, prior to doing his three-years of service.
This is an ancient rite that has been carried through by many of the mystic, shamanic, and mystery school traditions. The Adept Initiation is performed by a Guide, who has received the appropriate physical initiations and training in the ancient unbroken lineage of King Salomon. Our Guides are trained under the highest standards within the Mystery School Tradition, which has over a 3000 year-old lineage and authority to perform this service. Some of the teaching included are:
Some of the Benefits and Privileges of the Initiation include: