Then another beautiful thing comes into my meditation, it is the Goddess I am named after. Right there in front of me. Again, I smile and then behind her I see all of the Goddesses of our various pantheons. Athena, Aphrodite, Diana, Isis and many more. They are flowing energy to us, I wonder why now and then I am aware why. Ladies, or rather I mean my fellow Goddesses what you all did yesterday had such a huge impact energetically for us all. You/we/us opened the doors for this divine energy to flow to Earth. All we had to do was come together in Love and Peace and we did it! We did it like no other group before us has been able to do. You all flowed the Goddess energy of GRACE!
This is pivotal, it means that now that the energy has been restored the healing can begin in earnest. After all, what does a women excel at? Nurturing, gentleness, compassion, battling with wisdom (thank you Athena) putting broken things back together (thank you Isis) having incomparable strength (thank you Freya) creating beauty (thank you Aphrodite) and of course the list goes on.
Please continue to go within and tap into these divine qualities, let them ripple out into you families, your friends, your co workers and your communities. The time for adversarial action is fading out to make way for something based upon divine justice and equality and WE ARE THE KEY HOLDERS. Never forget that in trying times, all prayers are heard and answered, Although the bigger picture is not always evident there is a much bigger power than we can ever imagine that has our backs and loves each and every one of us, even those we may feel the need to blame for thing we don't like.
The things we don't like are a product of WE HAVE ALL CREATED and instead of anger, frustration and blame creating destruction let's use it as fuel to deepen our understanding and seek higher solutions. This is where the Goddesses and grace come in.
Exciting times lay ahead of us, let's fuse together in solidarity, mutual respect, tolerance and compassion. Ladies, I think we are going to take over the world <3 I think the men need a break anyway, I think they will be really grateful of our softness and strength.