If you will just submit, and give up the space in your mind and heart that is devoted to unwanted habits, negative thinking, old hurt and pain. Then you will allow the light to shine into those places and your life will change. Your higher self, that part of you that is good-natured, kind, disciplined, joyful, stable and all the other good qualities that you long for and have within will be able to shine through and express itself ♡
So some friends of mine on Orlando are doing there final ascension this weekend. This means that after this weekend there will be a few more people on planet Earth who are living from wisdom, sharing their divine nature in a way that not only creates a purposeful life for them, but totally brings more Light and Love to our human community. Imagine the world if more people came to understand their divine nature...? We are starting this journey here in Naples on June 9th. I personally cannot wait. I know (having done this twice already ) the transformation that's in store for me, the magick and wisdom from within that I will gain. I offer this to you. It's truly LIFE changing. NEW BEGINNING QABALAH CLASS will start in Southwest, Florida Tuesday, June 9, 2016 from 6:30-8:30pm (same time each month) Please contact Cindy Myers for more details at (239) 272-5168 or [email protected] Qabalah means “receiving.” We are receiving the secrets hidden in the Old Testament/Torah. The secrets reveal to us how to create and sustain a meaningful and successful life. We study the Tree of Life from the Garden of Eden. The Tree of Life is comprised of ten spheres. Each sphere represents a different quality of our Creator. We explore one creational quality and are ritually ascended into one sphere each month for a year. We understand, embody, and emulate the qualities of our C...reator, empowering us to become a more powerful co-creators of the lives we desire. Because we are connected to the Source of everything, we are in the flow of abundance and prosperity. We also experience Magick in our lives as we ascend the Tree of Life, becoming more our God-selves! For a two-and-a-half hour commitment, once a month, there is a minimal investment of time, energy, and money, for an amazing, ascensional journey! Each of the first 12 meetings costs $150 and the final weekend costs $600. June 9– Malkhut 1 November 10 – Tiferet April 13 – Hokhmah July 15 – Malkhut 2 December 9 – Gevurah May 12 – Keter August 11 – Yesod Jan 12, 2017 – Chesed June 10 & 11 – Ascension September 8 – Hod February 10 – Da’at Weekend, 10:00am till October 7 – Netzah March 9 – Binah 6:00pm each day This class is taught Cindy Myers who is an initiated Qabalistic High Priestess, a Guide Member of the Hierarchy of Light, and a WICCAN High Priestess who has been living the Tree of Life through ritual Be as a mountain, be still, be strong, be observant, be solid, sustain life, be wise.
A mountain sees many things and yet remains the same, each day the sun rises and a new day begins, full of promise and hope. The mountain observes this and is optimistic, idealistic and realistic. It knows that today there maybe a fierce thrashing storm, or wild, howling winds, perhaps great claps or thunder and crashing lightening or today could be full of sunshine and fair weather. To the mountain each day is new and contains much mystery to it and thus it has no expectations, it is still in the midst of a storm or a beautiful sunny day. The mountain has sustained all these things and knows that life is a continuum, a progressive experience and so whilst it is of the Earth it is not attached to anything. Knowing itself very well, it weathers all life with solidity neither crumbling nor toppling. On it goes being the same as it was in the beginning. If you become like a mountain then you will come to know yourself, during the experiences of your life, the amazing ins and outs, ups and downs, inside and outside we learn. We learn to scale our own mountain, sometimes we think we are at the top and yet it is only a ledge, we know this because it feels like we still have more to climb. And we do. The important thing to remember about mountain climbing is to stay solid, observant to all experiences and of course to be as wise as we can with our decisions. Our wisdom comes from having climbed as far as we have and we can use our choices to carry on up or perhaps go back down a little to re-learn something. Either way when you know you are as a mountain you know that you are simply coming to know yourself and that indeed you are as you have always been. You are discovering yourself. In certain circles this is known as the mountain of the soul. Therefore on the outside you remain solid, no storms or weather can alter what you are. It is wise to get know yourself from the inside out, know the Spirit of your mountain, for it resides deep within you, at your core. Get to know yourself as a Mountain, be still, be present and you will reach the top. You will have accomplished something rare and courageous, a path less travelled for sure one that brings enlightenment, self containment and total acceptance. It is here at the summit that you may place your flag of peace. You will be a beacon of hope and accomplishment that will encourage others to climb to the top too, this is why we are here. I will see you at the top some day fellow traveler and remember not to take the journey to seriously, we always have a new day. If I can be your Guide, your Sherpa I will do my best to assist you in your courageous climb and it will be my honor. www.mysticsjourney.com ![]() Earlier on this week I was having a chat with a friend about the importance of the use of language, especially when it comes to accuracy and in this conversation we were specifically taking about ritual. You see I am a Guide in the Mystery School tradition and I have access to many different forms of ritual. Ritual has long been tied to tradition and therefore carries its own brand of power. Ritual is used to access Universal powers, to bring them down and in truth to link the divine mind with our own minds. This is the work of an Initiated Light Worker AKA an Adept. Rituals are VERY powerful and they work! They work because a specific set of words and sometimes physical movements that have been harmoniously calibrated to access these powers. So, if we change a word or movement it changes the energy, sometimes diluting it and at other times rendering it into something else entirely. There is a line in one of our rituals that says “It is by Will alone that I set my Mind in motion.” you could mediate on this for many hours and learn much about the self. In the past, I have heard people add their own adaptations (usually MINDLESSLY) and say “It is by MY Will alone that I set My Mind in motion.” BIG DIFFERENCE!!!!! THIS IS THE PROBLEM HERE ON PLANET EARTH. Let me fast forward to last night….. I had this dream time experience last night and as I sometimes do I was receiving teachings from my Angelic friends, they really are full of wisdom. The conversation we were having was about how and what we are creating collectively as a human species. What they were saying to me is that we humans only need to look around to see that we have proven who we are, divine CREATOR beings. We have proven to ourselves that we can be and do and create anything we want, look at the myriad of innovations in technology, medicine, Science, Architecture and so on and this is unlikely to slow down, in fact it will quicken as we desire to experience and consume more and more, wanting faster, bigger, better. So to summarize this paragraph, WE ALREADY KNOW WHAT WE CAN ACHIEVE IS UNLIMITED BECAUSE OF THE EVIDENCE AROUND US. This is great as long as we have perspective and care. Then they proceeded to say to me that what was now needed was a complete shift in the way we think about what we are creating and that is where MINDFULNESS needs to be present. Our present day attitudes really extend to what is in it for me, how can I eliminate the competition, how can I have more, prove that I am more and why can’t I have what he has? Additionally we separate out by discriminating against ANYTHING else we see as different and our automatic response is a battle cry, instead of seeking to learn and expand. This last sentence is a disease that has infected us since we were born and is accepted everywhere in schools, religions and politics, families and it is insidious. It is acceptable warfare. What does brutality beget? Errrmmmm I don’t know about you but I am pretty clear on that, just look around you. These mindsets represent fear and separatism. They do not take into account the bigger picture or that we are all inherently connected at some level (even if you don’t believe in the concept of oneness) because we are human beings. What is the new mindset that would help us achieve what we all truly want? Collectively we want peace, harmony, togetherness and collaboration. If that’s what we want (and don’t take my word for it, check in with your own hearts desires) then why aren’t we creating it? We already know we can create what we want. This should be a piece of cake right? Really it is a peace of cake, if we make some simple shifts. Take a minute to connect to the divine mind, to God, to the Light, to the collective Goodwill, to something that represents goodness, whatever that is for you. What do you feel, see, hear, smell, taste, what is the experience, BE MINDFUL. NOW… BY WILL ALONE SET YOUR MIND IN MOTION.
Over the last 10 years I have been exploring the concept of peace both personally and externally and at times I have felt profound peace and other times not so much. I think it is easy to say that peace is important, but are we really understanding what peace is? I believe this idea of peace goes way beyond our current understanding and it would seem that most of us think peace is the absence of violence and have not explored this idea any further. As I have worked on myself and my relationships I noticed that it was just fine for me to claim to be peaceful when things are going well or dare I say the way I like them to be. I am pretty sure I am not alone here! Let's face it life throws up challenges and sometimes downright chaos and disruption. I think this is where true peace lies, in the midst of a storm. Are you in control of your mind and emotions, your actions and energy? Remember the age old axiom that every effect has a cause and every cause has an effect. Looking at the current events on the world stage we can see this in full effect as each new actions leads to another until we have full blown chaos. Is this energy of war so very different than our own mini disagreements and grievances? We are so predisposed to right and wrong, black and white that we will cause disruption in our own relationships to gain some sense of victory and righteousness. Who wins? No one, and who said winning was the way to go anyway? If we start to think of ourselves as one organism, of which we are part, not separate, like a drop in the ocean then our thinking will be on a global scale as oppose to me, mine, I and so on. When we shift our ways of thinking like this we will create peace and peace I am told by my friends in Spirit is so much more than non violence. It is joyful cooperation and co creation, it is harmony and support it is learning about each other and our unique points of view and creating new ways to improve the world for everyone. All these ideas of religion, politics, ethnicity, culture, nationality are not here to divide us we could actually use them to create a beautiful existence for all if we worked together. But first the work must begin in each and every one of us. Here are some of my personal tips for inner peace. 1. Allow others to have their opinions, seek to understand and not change another. 2. Know that everyone is filtering internal and external information through the filter of their own mind, which has its own unique frame work. You do not know what someone else's frame work is. Ultimately you may not understand something, do not judge, accept that you don't understand and move on. 3. Train your mind and seek control of this aspect of yourself. This you will do through meditation. Please visit my free tips page and sign up for my newsletter to receive some free meditation downloads. 4. Go for a walk, outside in nature all is in perfect harmony. This is good for the soul. 5. Don't hold onto grievances, guilt, shame or anger. It doesn't serve anyone or anything, it creates suffering and is unnecessary. If it comes up, acknowledge it, seek to understand your own self through the eyes of compassion and generosity, understand that you are learning and then move on. 6. Don't take it all so seriously because it’s not! Next week will be something else, practice being in each moment and suck the juice out of it so that you may learn something about yourself and the nature of life. 7. Each morning before your feet hit the floor, be grateful, thankful for this new day and set your intention for the day. 8. Be kind and loving and don't worry if others are not, remember cause and effect. What you put out comes back. Finally here is a prayer called The Great Invocation from one of my favorite Author’s and fellow Initiate, Alice Bailey. Please feel free to use this prayer daily and share with others. The Great Invocation From the point of Light within the Mind of God Let light stream forth into the minds of men. Let Light descend on Earth. From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let love stream forth into the hearts of men. May Christ return to Earth. From the centre where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men - The purpose which the Masters know and serve. From the centre which we call the race of men Let the Plan of Love and Light work out And may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth. ![]() Truth is always simple.... A teacher once told me this and it intrigued me. Primarily because sometimes life seems so freaking complicated and there always seems to be gray areas. But on a deeper level I understood what she meant and thus I have been working with this statement in a mantra like way ever since. This is because I am all about keeping things simple, unless of course I am busy creating my own personal brand of chaos! And this is really what it's about, by our emotional reactions to events, situations and relationships we create the drama. You, yourself are the one with the opinions, beliefs, attachments and you are the one that experiences that which you choose to experience. But...this doesn't mean it is truth. So, what is truth you might wonder. Truth in my experience is the simplicity of peace, equanimity, love, compassion, charity, passion, joy, warmth and so on. These types of experiences aren't complicated, they just are. They are experiences of the Light and there are no gray areas. As I was praying and meditating earlier I raised all of my doubts/grievances/confusions up to the Light, after a decade of doing my own Great Work I know the drill by now. When in doubt just ask God and lo and behold all shadow gets stripped bare (by this I mean my shit, the opinions of others and societal norms) and there it is... Truth in all its glorious simplicity. I invite you to do the same my fellow seekers of Truth, it's really quite simple! |
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January 2017