Universal Holy Qaballah

Within the Mystery School, the Universal Kabbalah has always been taught by initiated Ritual Masters who themselves are initiated Qabalistic High Priests/Priestesses. The participants are taken through the Tree of Life with Ritual Ascension.
This is a powerful way of experiencing the Tree in our daily lives, enabling us to live life most fully. The Universal Qabalah is about creating Heaven here on Earth by embodying the different aspects of God, which are represented in the Tree of Life.
This is a powerful way of experiencing the Tree in our daily lives, enabling us to live life most fully. The Universal Qabalah is about creating Heaven here on Earth by embodying the different aspects of God, which are represented in the Tree of Life.

Cost of Class - $500.00
Check the online calendar for dates or call to arrange your own FREE consultation and counseling session.
Check the online calendar for dates or call to arrange your own FREE consultation and counseling session.