1. It will tell you what you are capable of and what you are not capable of.
2. It will keep you stuck in circumstance, victim to your environment, surroundings, family etc.
3. It will lie to you about the way things are, ie: You must have a college education to be accomplished, you must take this medicine to get better and on and on.
4. It places blame on others, removing any accountability from you (again making YOU a victim).
5. It will tell you how you should behave, what you should wear, how you should be acceptable and what traits are worthy.
6. It will tell you anything to stop you from THINKING FOR YOURSELF.
7. It will tell you how your children should be educated
8. It will create foods and a myriad of other addictive (seemingly innocent) mind altering substances, think fluoride, vaccines, alcohol, cigarettes etc.
9. It will suck you in until your identity is entrenched in it's 3D microcosm and you have completely forgotten who you are, why you came here and what your purpose is.
10. It will also tell you what purpose should look like
11. It will keep you in emotional attachment and lack of growth.
Guys, we are here to have an experience of physicality and its just wonderful in so many ways, we came to remember who we are and why we came and indeed where we came from. When we figure this out we will live in this world, but not of it. We will live in joy. The Mystics of the ages, the Prophets and many great teachers, such as Buddha, Jesus, Edgar Cayce and others have all known this and taught this in varying ways. What they were teaching is the way of personal choice and to not surrender your empowerment to the Matrix. We can think of it as a structure upon which our reality rests, it's what creates form and function and in an ideal world we can experience heaven on earth. The lower aspects of the matrix as mentioned above are our distortions that stem from our animalistic lower nature. This is the part of us that thinks in terms of survival, territory, greed, selfishness etc. This actually stands directly in the way of our freedom and personal empowerment.
How do we extract ourselves from this illusory reality? After 11 years of exploration and intense study I can say unequivocally that Initiation is the way to go. Initiation into a Mystery tradition is ancient technology, it is what the prophets and disciples and wisdom teachers of old and new did. I cant say and teach this enough. If you want to take control of your life, eliminate the negative stuff and create your hearts desire then I have some incredible teachings and tools to share with you.
This weekend, January 15th and 16th happening at Goddess I Am in Naples, FL. Take the step to your own personal empowerment, many before you have and their lives are testament to this commitment to service.