To be fair here on planet Earth we are in a virtual smorgasbord of choice, we can sample everything here from love to drugs to healthy living to prosperity and on. There are no limits, only those that we impose upon ourselves. We have been given the God given right to exercise our free will to taste test, to explore, to engage, to create, to wonder and play. This is our divine birth right, pretty groovy really when you think about it. But how many of us really understand free agency to act upon will? How many of us are truly in control of our will? Have you ever made a New Years intention or tried to quit smoking or go on a diet? It's not so easy is it. Why?
Our attachments make this difficult for us and these are a part of our body consciousness which is connected to the 5 senses and our lower nature. And this then involves the Mental and emotional nature of ourselves, this is Soul consciousness. Our Soul is what is truly having the experience here and you experience that as physical sensation. It's all about perception really and a healthy EGO, this is what it means to Know Thyself and not be swung around by impulses that are unhealthy and coming from the subconscious.
When we think of addiction we generally thing of alcohol or drugs, we might also include shopping and sex, even food. Shopping, sex and food are all healthy things until they aren't, until they are taken to the level of extremes. One can be interested in yoga and practice daily or one can be obsessed with Yoga and practice daily and never be satisfied with this asana or that, spending hours thinking and practicing. Similarly one can be interested in eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle (this is very much in our faces at the moment and to be honest, trendy) OR one can be obsessed with every little thing they eat and label reading and potential health disaster. Reading every post about what fluoride, gluten, avocado's, coconut oil and on (you get the picture) does to the body, environment etc. There sure is a lot of propaganda out there and on some level if we aren't conscious of it will impact our psyche. It's all mental. By all means be informed, use your intelligence but use your intuition too and your discernment. Watch how much energy you spend on aspects of your life. In order for us to be in harmony we need to be in balance with all things and really this means no extremes. And this is unique to each individual.
if you want to lose weight, then do so without assigning your identity to the process, don't lose yourself to unhealthy obsession no matter if it looks healthy. Be gentle with yourself and life and it will be gentle with you. Watch your triggers, to do this watch your thoughts and train them to be in accordance to what brings you a sense of control and balance. Oftentimes this does require some help such as counselling, meditation, healing work, changing your circle of friends and most definitely it requires your will and determination.
For me my success came from healing work and deep spiritual teachings and it was complete and sustainable. It's actually why I do this work, because it works! If I can assist you I have many different tools and classes so check me out at www.mysticsjourney.com. God speed on this cosmic journey we call life, have fun, taste, explore, engage, enjoy and be balanced.