A teacher once told me this and it intrigued me. Primarily because sometimes life seems so freaking complicated and there always seems to be gray areas. But on a deeper level I understood what she meant and thus I have been working with this statement in a mantra like way ever since. This is because I am all about keeping things simple, unless of course I am busy creating my own personal brand of chaos! And this is really what it's about, by our emotional reactions to events, situations and relationships we create the drama.
You, yourself are the one with the opinions, beliefs, attachments and you are the one that experiences that which you choose to experience. But...this doesn't mean it is truth. So, what is truth you might wonder. Truth in my experience is the simplicity of peace, equanimity, love, compassion, charity, passion, joy, warmth and so on. These types of experiences aren't complicated, they just are. They are experiences of the Light and there are no gray areas.
As I was praying and meditating earlier I raised all of my doubts/grievances/confusions up to the Light, after a decade of doing my own Great Work I know the drill by now. When in doubt just ask God and lo and behold all shadow gets stripped bare (by this I mean my shit, the opinions of others and societal norms) and there it is... Truth in all its glorious simplicity. I invite you to do the same my fellow seekers of Truth, it's really quite simple!