I sat down with Archangel Michael a few times over this past week, I am a TRAINED channel and thus have the authority to mediate information in this way. This is what I learned.
At this time on planet earth humans are going through massive energy transformations in their evolution. This may sound cliché, as it has been said many times, yet each time, the flavor changes in terms of how the evolution takes place and the energies that are assisting you to do so. This is reflected in your own personal lives and indeed on the world stage and even in the heavenly realms. As above, so below. Never has there been a time when there has been such apparent contrast in Light and dark in this way, the difference now is that so many more people are waking up to their self empowerment and indeed this contrast is being used as a tool to do so. Without duality, how can anything grow. There is a strong shift out of ignorance, whereas in the past, the status quo held sway and as long humans felt safe individually, it was not so important to be concerned about 'others' in other communities or cultures. With the tool of social media, your planet has become solidified as a global community, this indeed has been part of the plan too. Now, everyone's concerns and injustices are known and it is no longer possible for the necessary numbers to stay in ignorance.
Prior to 2012, the predominant energy on the planet was not in favor of growth. Collectively, humans have asked for peace and equality. How do humans attain that without truly seeing where this is imbalanced? You may have noticed that on a personal note you are wrestling with your own shadows and negative EGO, doing battle with your higher consciousness, the issues that have been at the core of your own personal spiritual Revolution. Have faith, the fact that you are ready to do battle and combat these lower energies means that you have already won the war. you shall be victorious, please continue to walk your path with determination, courage, discipline and above all else, SELF LOVE and GENTLENESS. Do not be harsh with yourself, understand that you are a master piece in progress. In the worlds are duality, there is no such thing as wrong or right.
Now, you cannot deny the fact that this duality, this stark theater of contrasts is playing out on the world stage too. Again, I ask you to have faith, that humans have won the war, this is a part of the process towards the collective request for peace and equality. Presently, I, Michael am expanding my armies of Light on planet Earth with humans that are ready to step into higher service. These armies are dispatched all over the planet and they are serving in many different ways. Some are working in political realms, some are serving in areas that are in need of equality, some are working with education, some are working in the fields of health and indeed many other areas. Those in service have the same effect as a candle lighting up a dark room. All it takes is one candle to light up the areas that have been ignored, that are full of shadows and darkness. When darkness is exposed in the face of Light, it has but two choices, return to its place of origin or go to the Light. All that is needed is for humans to stand in their empowerment in the areas aforementioned. The rest of humanity, whilst having been in a state of hypnotism are slowly waking up to the choices available to them. The collective desire of all humans is peace and equality. It is but a matter of time. The forces of ignorance that are represented on the world stage are indeed serving a purpose, they are the dark room, those in service are exposing them. Fiat Lux.