This is why it is difficult for humans to create change, habit is a force of human nature. All of your structures be they physical such as education, politics, culture etc or Spiritual and therefore internal constructs and patterns have become second nature. Many do not even question any longer, although the Spiritual impulse for change is here now, a constant beckoning for a higher reality. Think of it as the cocoon of a butterfly, there is tremendous pressure needed to crack and break through the shell. We might be fooled into thinking it is easier to stay within the cocoon, where no effort is required. Sometimes what is on the other side scares you, perhaps you don't know or cant imagine and so force of human habitual nature is to remain cocooned. The cocoon is and will be even more uncomfortable . The reason for this is that your Soul, an essential part of yourself that inherently knows the way is constantly pushing you towards new experiences. It wants to crack the shell and let out the Light. It is your attachments to the way things are or perceived as should be that hold you back from new experiences. However the unconscious and conscious forces within yourself and indeed humanity have decreed a time of great change, challenge and in time fulfillment. It can be no other way and what will emerge will be the essence in all things, the Light at the core. This will eliminate dissonance, discord and struggle. It is possible to achieve this now as at the core of is the desire for this. The prayer for the way ahead is this;
Dear God, Help me to seek and find my footing in the higher way of all aspects of life. Let me blaze a trail of Light by aligning with my own personal divine plan.