This message comes to you as emissaries of the Light to ask you to have faith and trust that a solution to your current world problems is imminent. Your prayers are heard and the majority rules. You will have peace in your life time, for you are the creators of it. When I ask that you have faith, I ask you to trust in the bigger plan that God has in store for you all and indeed you are in co-creation with the ONE source of Light. The faith that you must have is not only in God, but yourself as Emissaries of Light. It is now your responsibility to be and create the change that you wish to see. No more will expectations of others to find a solution be satisfactory to you and your requests. This is a time of personal and spiritual enhancement and empowerment. Take a moment to think of your own personal prayers and find ways to embody these yourself, in matching this vibration, the energy that you emit will be powerful ,clean and clear and in divine union the One source of all good.
In the world there are many transformations taking place that appear to be severely disruptive and yet they are necessary as chaos always precedes order. The old energies of distraction and distortion are moving out of your realm and as they become glaringly obvious it is apparent that this world order does not meet anyone's ideals any longer. And YOU, Emissaries of Light are the conduits of change. Be Brothers in Arms and stand for what your prayers are, let nothing sidetrack you from your mission of being a living embodiment of that which you wish to see.
At this time the Hierarchy of Light have an opening to work directly with each of your world leaders, thus specific Masters of Light are now working with specific world leaders, along with the Astrological beings who are supporting the energies and rays of each country to come to a state of higher emissions. Thus purifying the energy of not only the land and her leaders but her native peoples too. This is where you come in, as this energy flows out you, who view yourself as Light Workers will be conduits for this energy, it can be no other way. You are now pure enough to be able to evolve yourselves out of this vibration. Imagine it as a layer of murky cloud surrounding your planet that is dissipating. This cloud of energy is from the polluted thoughts and energies of those who have not purified there thoughts. There is no one sector or person responsible for this, you are all responsible in that you are in this together. As this cloud disperses so will the energy of Light become clearer, less diffused and more direct in your creations. Please hold HOPE aloft for all to see and carry on as the Masters would. You are the ones you have been waiting for.
In Love, faith and hope,