As energy cannot be destroyed (this we know to be proven) then we can further say that we must continue as consciousness still experiencing, still expanding. WE ARE ETERNAL BEINGS. We cannot be destroyed, only transformed!
That being said how would you live your life differently if you that you never truly died? That all the things you thought you knew couldn't do or imposed limits on were in fact illusions created in your own mind. That in fact right her right now you can change your mental, emotional and Spiritual energy to create the life you really want. Think about it.
The day this became my reality was the day that Initiated as an Adept 10 years ago. Since then I have continued to transform my energies, becoming powerful in beautiful way. I do not have the limitations that held me back any longer. I come across some but I have the tools to transform them. After all its only energy. And I am the creator of that with my mind and my emotions and all the other creational energies that are LIMITLESSLY available to me at any given moment!
This is available to EVERYONE. Want to know how? www.mysticsjourney.com/your-journey
It's a matter (no pun intended) of changing your vibration and those around you. You see when we transmute (this means change non physical energy) emotions and thoughts through higher vibrations, which come from the soul via your Spirit then we transform (this means physical change) our life experience. There are a variety of ways to do this and in my experience the quickest and most profound has been through the vehicles of healing work and Initiation. Find what works for you that is permanent and sustainable and helps you to make the changes from within. Ultimately however know that this is just an experience and all experiences can be changed. Live as a Spiritual being having a human experience, this helps to take the edge off!