Let me fast forward to last night…..
I had this dream time experience last night and as I sometimes do I was receiving teachings from my Angelic friends, they really are full of wisdom. The conversation we were having was about how and what we are creating collectively as a human species. What they were saying to me is that we humans only need to look around to see that we have proven who we are, divine CREATOR beings. We have proven to ourselves that we can be and do and create anything we want, look at the myriad of innovations in technology, medicine, Science, Architecture and so on and this is unlikely to slow down, in fact it will quicken as we desire to experience and consume more and more, wanting faster, bigger, better. So to summarize this paragraph, WE ALREADY KNOW WHAT WE CAN ACHIEVE IS UNLIMITED BECAUSE OF THE EVIDENCE AROUND US. This is great as long as we have perspective and care.
Then they proceeded to say to me that what was now needed was a complete shift in the way we think about what we are creating and that is where MINDFULNESS needs to be present. Our present day attitudes really extend to what is in it for me, how can I eliminate the competition, how can I have more, prove that I am more and why can’t I have what he has? Additionally we separate out by discriminating against ANYTHING else we see as different and our automatic response is a battle cry, instead of seeking to learn and expand. This last sentence is a disease that has infected us since we were born and is accepted everywhere in schools, religions and politics, families and it is insidious. It is acceptable warfare. What does brutality beget? Errrmmmm I don’t know about you but I am pretty clear on that, just look around you. These mindsets represent fear and separatism. They do not take into account the bigger picture or that we are all inherently connected at some level (even if you don’t believe in the concept of oneness) because we are human beings.
What is the new mindset that would help us achieve what we all truly want? Collectively we want peace, harmony, togetherness and collaboration. If that’s what we want (and don’t take my word for it, check in with your own hearts desires) then why aren’t we creating it? We already know we can create what we want. This should be a piece of cake right? Really it is a peace of cake, if we make some simple shifts. Take a minute to connect to the divine mind, to God, to the Light, to the collective Goodwill, to something that represents goodness, whatever that is for you. What do you feel, see, hear, smell, taste, what is the experience, BE MINDFUL. NOW… BY WILL ALONE SET YOUR MIND IN MOTION.