I have yet to meet a bona fide Light Worker who is NOT working with God. I mean if they aren't working with God then they are serving the other side!
But I do understand the confusion and I think it brought up a good point because there really needs to be some clean up in the concept of Spirituality. Many people believe Spirituality to be all fortune telling, speaking with the dead and hocus pocus. Yes, there is that in some cases, just as there is some serious shadiness in religion as well. It's no different.
For myself, I am a Metaphysician, I work with the Hierarchy of Light, this includes God and all his servants and I include myself as one of them. I happen to work with many individuals within the Hierarchy as I know what their jobs are. For instance, if I wish to work on personal boundaries, then I work with the Olympic Spirit of Saturn, I might also work with Archangel Gabriel to assist me in cleaning out the negative influences that reside within my subconscious tripping me up with my boundaries or lack thereof. So, instead of some nebulous idea of God or just one aspect, such as Jesus or Mohammed (I work with them too) I have a team. You wouldn't call a plumber when you need an electrician would you? Having said all this I have been trained to do this, so far eleven years of intensive training! I consider myself to be well versed in my profession and super connected to God. I have many colleagues who also offer outstanding services too.
If you are considering an alternative method to healing, don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Just because you have a faith (which is wonderful) it doesn't mean that partaking in healing services from a qualified Metaphysician, energy worker is taking you away from that. In other cultures many view our Christian faith as unfamiliar and even in opposition to 'their' God, this creates judgment and quite frankly there is far too much of that going on. We tend to fear what we don't know or understand. Guys, there are many faces to God and guess what? You can love them all <3 I'm just as happy at my parish Catholic church as I am in a Hindu temple or a Native American Sweat lodge. Embrace diversity, its how we will learn about God!!!!
Another thing to bare in mind is that until the witch hunts of the 1400's to 1700's took place, modern medicine was a combination of energetic and elemental (herbs, roots etc). It actually formed the basis of much of our modern medicine today. There is a big movement today to move back to allopathic medicine, many would agree that it highly affective and a much better choice. These modern day practitioners are similar to the healers that were so heavily judged (by those of faith) back then.
My suggestion is that you research the person that you are approaching or trust your vibes or a combination of both. But for heavens sakes, don't suffer because of lack of understanding.
I honor my client for asking me and bringing it to the table. If she hadn't then it would have been there affecting the work that she is attempting to do, which is to heal.