Free tips & keys
Here are some FREE tips and Keys for you to use whilst you are getting started on your Mystics Journey. feel free to use them over and over again as repetition creates a foundation and strengthens your focus and the energy. It’s like the more we practice something the better we become at it and it becomes a part of us. This is how we expand!
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Meditation is peace of mind, stress reduction, control over ones reactions and a way to connect to the higher states of consciousness.
I have been meditating for the last eight years and it is an essential part of my practice, without it I am monkey minded, caught up in the everyday world drama, scattered and disconnected. Is anyone reading this familiar with those feelings? One of my teachers once said to me “If you do nothing else, meditate!” and she was right. The beauty about meditation is that you do not need anything to do it, just a quiet and comfortable place where you will not be disturbed. At the beginning of your path you might find things a bit overwhelming. There are so many books, CD’s, crystal, teachings etc and the truth is they are all enhancements and keys to help you open up to divine awareness, but they are not necessary. All of them will ask you to meditate and they are indeed enhancements for meditations, but one needs to use discernment when choosing! Meditation is nothing more than shifting your awareness form the 3D world to another state of consciousness; you could say it helps us to get out of our head. The goal is to connect with the self through higher consciousness and awareness and you are capable of reaching MUCH higher states of consciousness. When we reach these states within ourselves we start to resolve inner issues and find solutions to our problems from the inner guidance that we receive. That inner guidance may come to us in a feeling, a word, an image, a remembrance, an understanding and so on. Once we receive that higher understanding we have grown and it is very hard to undo. This means that we move forward in a more co-creative and peaceful way and we gain peace of mind. If you would like I have several offerings to share with you and they are free, all you have to do is sign up for my newsletter. I also offer classes in meditation and mindfulness, you might like to try Max Meditation or for deeper teachings Gifts of the Spirit. |
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One of my Keys to a healthy mind and body is Yoga. Hatha Yoga, which is the physical Yoga works with the breath to bring about a state of concentration, focus, mindfulness, strength, balance and much more. When my body is holding onto anything, I do Yoga, quite simply put Yoga and the breath unites the body and the Spirit and feeds the Soul. It brings in Light and is also an excellent form of moving meditation. Uniting the body and the mind is a massive key to staying healthy, have you ever heard we are what we think? It is true, so the more that you stabilize your body and release negativity and practice focus and concentration the healthier your world will be. |
Free ResourcesIncrease focus & visualization exercise click either key to download files, or click below to listen now! |
Everything that we have ever created comes from a vision of some sort, whether it is the way you decorate your house, the vision you have of yourself doing your dream job or the meal you made last night. This happens unconsciously, we do it all the time every second of the day and at night time in our dreams. If I ask you how to get from your house to your place of employment, you will visualize the route you have to take and then explain it me through a series of images and words. It is possible to hone this into a skill to actually co-create (by co-create I mean in alignment with God, there are BIG teachings on this that will blow your mind!) and draw to you what you desire. You can even enhance your vision by creating a vision board. A vision board will be a poster board that contains images of what you would like to have in your life along with positive affirmations and you can use old magazines, drawings, paint, whatever you like to create your masterpiece. The vision board is a support and reinforcement tool. Once you have decided what you would like to create then work on your belief about what you have decided. Keep in mind that there might be steps you need to take first and that those steps are a part of the magickal journey, those steps may well include working on confidence, self worth etc. Have fun with it and enjoy the Mystics Journey. I recommend that you meditate first before doing this work and that you are undisturbed, this will keep the energy from scattering and allow you to be focused. I have recorded a method of using visualization, try this out for yourself to strengthen your ability to focus and visualize. |