Emotional/Psychological Healing Series

We have put together a special package of 6-sessions that are very specifically designed to bring people through any type of physical, emotional or psychological issues. We have successfully treated many bad habits such as addictions, smoking, food cravings, all sort of compulsive, dysfunctional behaviors. We have also offer psychological and emotional balancing for such things as anxiety, depression, PTSD, hopelessness, mood swings, PMS, anger, or any other emotional imbalance. Things like stress, worry, emotional outbursts, fatigue--we have seen them all! Physical conditions too, we have successfully addressed problems like sleep disorders, headaches, concentration problems, tension, computer strain, and other physical pain and overuse syndromes.
This series is completed in one month and is customized for each individual. There are 6-hands-on sessions, 2 cord cuttings, and a DNA/Life Activation included as well as any other work within our scope of practice and training that may benefit you in this series. Appointments are scheduled 2-each of the first two weeks, and 1-appointment each of the following two weeks.
Appointments last 1.5 hours each.
This series is completed in one month and is customized for each individual. There are 6-hands-on sessions, 2 cord cuttings, and a DNA/Life Activation included as well as any other work within our scope of practice and training that may benefit you in this series. Appointments are scheduled 2-each of the first two weeks, and 1-appointment each of the following two weeks.
Appointments last 1.5 hours each.

Cost - $650.00 for the series.
(click on the key to buy/schedule today.)
Get ready to move beyond your limitations and into your Divine Purpose.
(click on the key to buy/schedule today.)
Get ready to move beyond your limitations and into your Divine Purpose.