Emotional Cord Cutting
This gift severs all negative emotional cords that have ever been formed during a lifetime and is a remarkable energy healing. These cords form links between you and other people and are present whether we know it consciously or not. Even if a person is not in your life, you may still flow energy to them or from them. These cords can interfere with your clarity, strength, and energy.
Cord Cutting frees up your energy to be flown directly to you, for your own highest use. Cord cuttings help release the emotional charge we have around people or situations and allow us to continue to deal with life’s necessities, but from a less charged/emotional place, allowing for greater freedom in all aspects of your life. Cord Cuttings can easily be combined with other work and benefit those whom you are cutting your cords with also!
Cord Cutting frees up your energy to be flown directly to you, for your own highest use. Cord cuttings help release the emotional charge we have around people or situations and allow us to continue to deal with life’s necessities, but from a less charged/emotional place, allowing for greater freedom in all aspects of your life. Cord Cuttings can easily be combined with other work and benefit those whom you are cutting your cords with also!

Cost - $50.00 Done in person.
(click on the key to buy/schedule today.)
Cut those negative emotional ties and feel immediate peace and freedom.
(click on the key to buy/schedule today.)
Cut those negative emotional ties and feel immediate peace and freedom.