I continue to be fascinated by the events being played out upon the worlds stage. Up until very recently it was always other countries who were at unrest, but I think we can all agree that right here in the USA we are a country ill at ease. The reason is of course politics and the leaders we have chosen and or not chosen, it is the same as every other county. This upheaval is necessary for the new energies to ground, we are going through a revolution, renaissance and revitalization all at once, all over the planet. How exciting that in our times we get to spearhead the way for our children and future generations.
This is not an overnight process, not by a long shot and we must be patient as the human consciousness evolves to be in alignment with its collective desire for equality. Conflict and adversity are the hallmark of change and necessary for us to make heard our voices and our wants and needs made clear. Luckily for us we live in a democracy and it is the cornerstone of what makes America Great (yes, I think she has always been great and I'm not even a Citizen!) I believe that we can make this asset of democracy work for us. But duking it out over social media will only make us sad, depressed and angry. America needs to be Kind again. There will always be other arguments for opposing sides and yet out of those arguments isn't it possible to take into consideration all perspectives without fighting? No one is listening when everyone is yelling, you probably know this already!
If you really feel strongly about something then find the most effective way to do something about it. Lets show and grow up. Remember each of us has different lives, what matters to you may not matter to someone else. That doesn't make them wrong and you right. It just means that we have different lives and interests. This country has always been a world leader because of its people and the democratic process, so while the iron is hot, lets get some change underway and show the rest of the world how its done peacefully.
Personally until the media and the powers that be that exist to keep us on our toes got involved I thought the Women's' Marches were a wonderful achievement of solidarity and cohesiveness. Don't succumb to emotional garbage thrown at you in the media. Stay in your hearts, that's where truth and answers exist. The fire of purification is burning, we can chose a fire of purification or a raging, destructive fire, either way the outcome will be exactly what we create it to be. Know this, out of the ashes the phoenix does rise.