How can I write on this you may ask yourself? Whilst I don't claim to be an expert, I do have PLENTY of experience because as well as being a highly trained Celtic Shaman, Qabbalist, Ceremonialist and so on. I am also a Business Owner of three companies and in partnership with my Husband on two of those businesses and one of my own, I am a Mother of two and have been married for 24 years. I'm on the ground so to speak, in the trenches of real life, dealing with the same stuff that you do. I've learned quite a bit and I have changed my life substantially in the last decade as a result of living Spiritually.
I am also very attuned to the new energies that are coming in and to humanities call out for a new way to co-create. In short I'm like you, I want to live a life in peace and equanimity, I want to see things differently and I am not satisfied with the status quo. I am not one to sit back and let others dictate for me and I cannot just conform to the way things are. I am not an anarchist or any of those other old paradigm labels, I simply see that everything needs to change from the outworn structures that do not serve us as a whole .
Just this past weekend I taught a class called Gifts of the Spirit, which is a wonderful class that introduces the student to themselves in all twelve dimensions. In the 10th dimension we meet ourselves as Masters of Light, yes we are serving at this level. The definition of a Master of Light is one who has lived as a human and mastered the physical and a ray of Light, this being has committed to staying in the 10th dimension to assist in the evolution and ascension of humanity. Obviously these guys (think Jesus, Quan Yin, Mother Mary and countless others known and unknown) are great to get to know because they get what life here on planet Earth is like, they have plenty of wisdom. You too are here to master the physical and it is already a part of you, you are serving in this way already in another dimension. It is possible for you to do this here or at least work towards that through living from your heart. In the class we are asked to share a message for humanity, something we need to know now. This was my message for all and I believe the inspiration for this new blog series. We no longer need to hand over our power to others at a physical level (the inference was to government, politics, those in authority) we ARE Masters of Light and have the power ourselves. At the core of ourselves is the desire to serve the Light, this means we want good for ourselves and others. Tap into that and act from here and nothing will stop the changes that we all want and need.