This morning I finally grabbled the scissors and cut off the tags from my pillow shams, not that much of a revolution you might think, but it did make me think. Most things do. How many times do we look at something, dislike it, think it might be better elsewhere or want to do something (join the gym, make that phone call, start that healthy diet, get that healing session) and then get distracted?
All the flippin' time!
I thought to myself as I grabbed the scissors in my final act of annoyance towards my 1.5 year old pillow shams, those labels really annoy me. I like my bed to look pretty and every day I make it and tuck those stupid labels under the pillow. Today, I'm gonna cut those suckers off and deal with this for once an all. Then afterwards (it took about 2 minutes of my time and a short walk to my bureau to retrieve the scissors) I thought, why did I wait so long, that was dumb. I've had this low grade annoyance now for a year and a half and I've put up with it. Why did I do that when it was a simple fix?
Then I had another thought....
How much stuff do we really just let fester? The answer is a lot! Think about it. How long have you put off dealing with something whether it be of an emotional nature, personal desire (such as taking that Spiritual, martial arts, art class etc), dealing with a mental trauma or even physical pain. We get so used to discomfort that we just tend to put up with it, we get hypnotized, then before we know it we accept it as truth.
Don't do this, don't leave the labels on your pillow shams any longer than they need to be. Get the washing instructions and then cut those suckers off! Remember, you are the consumer, you can do this! I think the pillow sham is a good metaphor, we can either put up with something or deal with it by gaining understanding and then moving on.
I have many go to tools that I personally use for my clients and when needed I them receive myself from another practitioner. A cord cutting is a great place to start, cut away those negative emotional ties. A DNA Activation will totally get you moving in the right direction, it literally lights up your true desires (which is the same as saying your purpose) and puts you right where you need to be. If you feel you qualify as a bit of a procrastinator, like I can be (luckily its only pillow shams) then I'd be glad to assist you or find someone who can if I'm not in your area. We just don't need to suffer unnecessarily or any longer than we CHOOSE to. Yes, if we continue to allow something to aggravate us, upset us, anger us we are in fact choosing it. I don't know about you but I much prefer to focus on the things that bring me joy, satisfaction, passion etc.