Buddha instructs me to take a seat next to him under the tree and 'observe' . Then began a series of 'alive' movie screens and scenes of my life whirling and whizzing around Buddha and I. At once I am aware that it is chaotic and that my thoughts about it are too. Yet, here under the tree in observation I am somehow separate from it all, it exists, but at arms length. I understand at this point what Buddha experienced himself under this tree. All of the world and the attachments we have to it.
He says the object of life is to be the observer of it and of myself as I experience life. I ask how do I do this without being immersed in it, the chaos, the illusion of this life. He says by being an observer I am in the world, but not of it and this is what he came to know under the tree. I tell him, I know this experience of being in the world but not of it and I want to know why I forget and come back to being sucked in again. He says I am observing the matrix whirling around me and my attachments to it and forgetting to be aware is also a cleverly designed part of the matrix. It is hypnotic, it has a rhythm, a pulse that draws us in, once there we become entangled in the distraction of this and that, we believe it and it becomes our reality. Thus we forget.
By noticing this process we can choose to STOP and just observe. In doing this I will stop the world, reconnect to the One mind and thereby find harmony and order amidst the seeming chaos. I do this, I slow the movie down until it stops and it becomes very clear. The tricksters that seek our attention by way of attachments, physical, emotional and mental. We are pulled from here to there, being spun around, whilst they enjoy a merry game with our souls and psyches.
Buddha says "STOP. BREATHE. FEEL THE EARTH. Time will stand still. Truth will reveal itself, understanding will be given and wisdom gained." He says "Understand that we are experiencing the four elemental pillars of creation and how the matrix rests upon and within them for our learning, potential and self mastery." " Nothing More."
"One day all this shall cease." "Will it matter then?" "Life is eternal and all that you perceive is temporary."